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Language and thought > Emotion > Feel good > Interested > Uninterested, bored

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung, bored  


  • Use this domain for words related to feeling uninterested or bored--when someone is not interested in something.



  • What words refer to feeling uninterested in something? not be interested, lack interest, be bored (with), be fed up with, be tired of, don't care (about), can't be bothered, your heart's not in it, be cool towards, show no interest, express no interest, leave someone cold. What words refer to the feeling of being uninterested? disinterest, lack of interest, boredom, apathy. What words describe someone who feels uninterested? uninterested, disinterested, apathetic, bored, dull, lethargic, uncaring, unconcerned, unenthusiastic, half-hearted, lukewarm. What words refer to feeling very uninterested? could care less, couldn't care less, be bored to tears, be bored stiff, be bored out of your mind, someone's eyes glaze over. What words describe someone who is not interested in anything? bored, bored to tears, bored stiff. What words refer to causing someone to feel uninterested? bore (v), put you to sleep. What words refer to something that causes someone to feel uninterested? monotony, tedium. What words refer to a person who is uninteresting? bore (n). What words describe something that is uninteresting? uninteresting, not very interesting, boring, dull, tedious, uneventful, unexciting, humdrum, monotonous, repetitive, long-winded. What words describe a place that is uninteresting dead, one-horse town, nothing ever happens, drab, featureless, dreary. What words refer to trying to find something that is interesting because you are bored? relieve the boredom. What words refer to something becoming uninteresting? the novelty wears off, lose interest, get tired of.





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