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Suche im Vokabular

Sprache der Inhalte

Angaben zum Begriff

Person > Sense, perceive > See > Watch

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung  


  • Use this domain for words that refer to watching someone or something--to look for some time at something that is happening because you are interested in it and want to know what is happening.



  • What words refer to watching something? watch, observe, look on, see (a movie). What words refer to watching something continuously? not take your eyes off, stand over. What words refer to watching something so that nothing bad happens? watch, keep an eye on, observation, monitor. What words refer to secretly watching something? watch, keep a watch on, surveillance, observation. What words refer to someone who is watching? spectator, viewer, audience, onlooker, observer, lookout. What words refer to watching something for a long time, but not watching it all the time? watch, keep an eye. What words refer to always watching to see if anything bad happens? alert, watchful, vigilant, keep your eyes peeled, keep your eyes open, look out, keep a lookout for.





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