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Angaben zum Begriff

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung  


  • Use this domain for words related to answering a question.



  • What words refer to answering a question? answer, give an answer, reply, get back to, respond, acknowledge. What words refer to what is said in answer? answer, response, reply, acknowledgment, rebuttal, rejoinder, return, echo, feedback, immediate response, answer by return mail. What words refer to a humorous answer? snappy comeback, retort, repartee. What words describe an answer? carefully worded, careful, well thought through, off the cuff, off hand, wise, stupid, thoughtless, foolish. What words refer to the time it takes to answer? take a long time to answer, take your time to answer, quick reply, response time. What words refer to not having an answer or not knowing what to answer? have no answer, lack answer, not know what to answer, don't know how to answer, don't know what to say, don't have an answer, can't answer.





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