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States > Quantity > Plural > Few, little

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung, little  


  • Use this domain for words related there being few or little of something.



  • What words indicate that there is a small amount of something? a little, a bit of, a small amount of, trace, trickle, dab, an element of, a touch of, a hint of, taste of, dearth, grain, hair, inappreciable, inconsequential, inconsiderable, infinitesimal, insignificant, iota, limited, minimum, minute, mite, moderate, modest, modicum, ounce, particle, poor, scant, scanty, scintilla, shred, slight, smidgen, some, speck, spoonful, suggestion, suspicion, tidbit, tinge, tiny, trifle, whit. What words indicate that there is a very small amount of something? not much, very little, to speak of, hardly any, scarcely any, almost no, minimal, negligible, precious little, next to nothing, a smattering of, a scrap of, tiny, minute. What words indicate that there are a small number of things or people? few, a small number of, one or two, a handful of, sparse, not many, a couple of. What words indicate that there are a very small number of things or people? very few. What words refer to a small amount of food? a little, a drop of, pinch, dash, mouthful, in moderation, meager. What words describe something that contains a little of a particular substance? low in. What words refer to a small amount of money? next to nothing, nominal, a drop in the ocean, paltry, miserly, a pittance, peanuts. What words refer to a small number of people that are part of a larger group? a minority of. What words indicate that few people are doing something? a trickle, in dribs and drabs, in ones and twos. What words refer to using or giving a little of something? dab (v), spoon out, frugal, parsimonious, scrimp, be sparing, stingy, stint.





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