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Angaben zum Begriff

Language and thought > Want > Decide, plan > Purpose, goal

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung, goal  


  • Use this domain for words referring to a goal--something that you want to do or something that you want to happen.



  • What words refer to the purpose of what you are doing? purpose, goal, aim (n), design (n), desire (n), destination, end, function, idea, intent, intention, object, objective, plan, the point, proposal, reason, target, use (n). What words refer to the purpose of something someone says? point, implication, mean, be driving at, be trying to say. What words refer to the purpose of something like a machine or tool? function, use. What words indicate the purpose of something? for, be for, for the sake of, serve to, so, so that, to, toward, with a view to, with the aim of. What words indicate that something is done or made for a particular purpose? be meant to do something, supposed to do something, be intended to do something, be designed to do something. What words refer to trying to reach a goal? to strive toward a goal, press on, aim for, endeavor, head for, try to accomplish. What words refer to reaching a goal? reach, attain, surpass. What words refer to failing to reach a goal? fail to reach, miss, fall short of. What words refer to not having any purpose? purposeless, without purpose, lack a goal, aimless, drifting, no direction.





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