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Angaben zum Begriff

Social behavior > Behavior > Do good to

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

4.3.4Do good to  


  • Use this domain for words referring to doing good to someone.



  • What words refer to doing good to someone? do good to, be good to, be kind to, benefit (v), treat well, be merciful to, bless, care for. What words describe a person who does good to other people? accommodating, benevolent, benign, caring, charitable, chivalrous, considerate, courteous, gentle, gracious, humane, kind, kindhearted, kindly, nice, obliging, thoughtful. What words refer to something good that someone does for another person? kindness, benefit (n), blessing, courtesy, charity. What words refer to the character quality of doing good? consideration, courtesy, graciousness, kindness, kindliness, thoughtfulness.


  • 4.3.4



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