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States > Quality > Light > Color > Colors of the spectrum

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung of the spectrum  


  • Use this domain for words describing something that is colored.



  • What words refer to all the colors arranged in the spectrum of the rainbow? spectrum, rainbow, prism, spectral. What words describe a kind of color? primary color, secondary color, earth color, warm color, cool color, infrared. What are the shades of red? red, beet-red, blood-red, blush, brick-red, cardinal, carmine, carnelian, cherry, Chinese red, claret, coral, crimson, fiery, fire-red, flame-colored, incarnadine, lobster, lobster-colored, madder, pink, puce, roan, rose, rose-colored, roseate, rosy, rouge, ruby-red, ruddy, scarlet, vermilion, wine. What are the shades of orange? orange, apricot, cadmium, carrottop, carroty, ocher, peach, salmon, tangerine. What are the shades of yellow? yellow, amber, banana, blond, blonde, canary, chartreuse, chrome yellow, citron, cream, flaxen, gold, golden, goldilocks, jaundice, lemon, saffron, sallow, straw-colored, sulfur, tawny, terra cotta, yellow ocher, xanthous. What are the shades of green? green, greenish, apple-green, bottle-green, chlorine, emerald, grass, grass-green, khaki, leaf-green, leek-green, lime-green, olive, pea, pea-green, peacock, sap green, sea-green, topaz, verdant, viridian. What are the shades of blue? blue, azure, baby-blue, beryl-blue, carbuncle, cerulean, cobalt, cyan, cyanic, indigo, lapis lazuli, navy blue, Prussian blue, royal blue, sapphire, sky blue, teal, turquoise, ultramarine. What are the shades of purple? purple, violet, amethyst, crocus, hyacinth, lavender, lilac, liver-colored, magenta, maroon, mauve, mulberry, plum, plum-colored, royal purple. What are the shades of brown? brown, tan, beige, flesh colored, auburn, brunette, buff, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, dun, fawn, foxy, hazel, khaki, mahogany, ocher, russet, rust, sepia, sienna, sorrel, umber, walnut. What words describe something that looks like metal? metallic, copper, brass, bronze, bronzed, gilded, gilt, gold, golden, platinum, silver, silvery, steely.





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