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  • Use this domain for words related to stealing something--to take something that does not belong to you.


  • What words refer to stealing something? steal, filch, help yourself to, lift, nick, pinch, purloin, rip off, rustle, take, walk off with. What words refer to stealing something that is not very valuable? pilfer, snitch, swipe, petty larceny. What words refer to stealing things from a house or store? burgle, burglarize, hold up, knock over, loot, rob (a bank), shoplift. What words refer to stealing something from a person? rob, mug, pickpocket, pick someone's pocket, snatch someone's purse. What words refer to stealing money from your job? embezzle, misappropriate, have your fingers in the till, embezzlement, corruption, abscond with the money, skim profits. What words refer to stealing a vehicle? carjacking, hijack, hijacked, hijacking, piracy. What do robbers do in order to steal things? break in, break down the door, case a joint, crack a safe, pick a lock. What words refer to the crime of stealing? stealing, burglary, larceny, robbery, shoplifting, theft. What words refer to the act of stealing? banditry, break-in, breaking and entering, embezzlement, hold-up, jewel heist, job, misappropriation, mugging, purse snatching, pick pocketing, pilferage, pilfering, racketeering, raid, robbery, snatch, stick-up, theft. What words refer to a person who steals? bandit, burglar, cutpurse, embezzler, gangster, highwayman, hijacker, kleptomaniac, mugger, pickpocket, pilferer, pirate, plunderer, purse-snatcher, robber, bank robber, train robber, shoplifter, stealer, thief, jewel thief. What words describe someone who steals? light-fingered, thieving. What words refer to something that is stolen? loot, the goods, stolen goods, haul, hot items, tainted money. What words describe something that is stolen? hot, pirated, stolen. What do robbers do with the things they steal? fence stolen goods, launder money, bury treasure. What tools are used by robbers? gun, knife, pick, safe cracking tools, skeleton key, mask, gloves, get away car. What words refer to catching a thief? caught red-handed.





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