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  • Use this domain for words related to the moon. In your culture people may believe things about the moon. For instance in European culture people used to believe that the moon caused people to become crazy. So in English we have words like "moon-struck" and "lunatic." You should include such words in this domain.



  • What words refer to the moon? moon, lunar, satellite. What words refer to how the moon moves? rise, set, sink. What words refer to the time when the moon rises? moonrise, rising of the moon. What words refer to the time when the moon sets? moonset, setting of the moon. What words refer to when the moon is shining? moon is shining, by the light of the moon, moon is/comes out. What words describe where the moon is shining? moonlit, be in the moonlight, lit by the moon, shine on. What words describe when or where the moon doesn't shine? moonless night, eclipse of the moon, eclipse (v). What words refer to the light of the moon? moonlight, moonbeam, moonshine. What words describe the brightness of the moon? bright, pale. What words describe the appearance of the moon? man in the moon, harvest moon. What words refer to the spots on the moon? lunar sea, crater. What words refer to the phases of the moon? phase, new moon, full moon, half moon, quarter moon, crescent, sliver, moon is waxing (getting bigger), moon is waning (getting smaller), wax and wane. What words refer to the time it takes for the moon to go through its phases? (lunar) month.





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