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  • Use this domain for words referring to something happening last--to happen after all other things in a sequence, or to be the last person or thing in a sequence.


  • What words indicate that an event happens last? last (adv), at the end. What words describe something that happens last? last (adj), final, closing, concluding. What words refer to an event happening last? come last, end with, finish with. What words indicate that a person or thing is the last in a list or line or group? be last, come last, finish last, bring up the rear, straggler, be the last straw. What words indicate that something is next to the last? next to the last, the last but one, penultimate. What words indicate that something is the last before now? last (week), latest. What words do people use to indicate the last thing in a list of things they are talking about? lastly, finally, last but not least. What words refer to the last thing? the last, the latter. What words refer to the last part of something? end, ending, finish.





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