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  • Use this domain for words related to feeling calm.



  • What words refer to feeling calm? feel calm, be at peace. What words refer to the feeling of calm? calm (n), composure, presence of mind, equanimity, peace, placidity, poise, repose, serenity, tranquility. What words describe someone who feels calm? calm (adj), calmly, collected, composed, cool, dispassionate, peaceful, phlegmatic, quiescent, sedate, serene, staid, steady, tranquil, unruffled, not fazed. What words refer to causing someone to feel calm? calm someone, calm someone down, soothe. What words refer to something that causes someone to feel calm? calming influence, tranquilizer. What words describe something that causes someone to feel calm? calming. What words refer to remaining calm in a difficult situation? keep your cool, keep your head, keep a stiff upper lip, maintain your composure, imperturbable, untroubled. What words describe a person who is usually calm? placid, even-tempered, laid-back. What words describe a calm place? calm, quiet, peaceful. What words refer to becoming calm? calm down, cool down, cool off, compose yourself, steady your nerves, relax, quiet down. What do you say to someone when you want them to be calm? Cool it. Take it easy. Calm down.





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