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  • Use this domain for words related to being weak.



  • What words describe someone who is weak? weak, puny, weedy, impotent. What words describe someone who is weak because of being old or sick? feeble, frail, fragile, shaky, unsteady, infirm, anemic, debilitated, unsound. What words describe someone who is weak and who can easily be hurt or get sick? vulnerable, defenseless, powerless. What words refer to a person's weakness? weakness, infirmity, disability, vulnerability. What words describe someone who cannot work or run for a long time? unfit, not be in shape, be out of condition, be out of shape. What words refer to a person who is weak? weakling, wimp, invalid, weed. What words refer to making someone weaker? weaken, debilitate, enfeeble.


  • 2.4.2



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