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  • Use this domain for words related to being determined to do something--deciding to do something and not letting anything stop you.



  • What words refer to being determined to do something? determined, aspire, be intent on, be set on, set your mind on, be resolved, mean business, purposefully, tenacious, put yourself into. What words describe a person who is determined? determined, adamant, committed, driven, hard headed, inexorable, inflexible, obdurate, persevering, pertinacious, single-minded, steadfast, strong-willed, stubborn, tenacious, uncompromising. What words describe a person's behavior that is determined? stubborn, steadfast, resolute, dogged, wholehearted. What words refer to being so determined that you are even willing to do something bad? go to any lengths, be hell-bent on, whatever the cost, ruthless, stop at nothing. What words refer to the quality of being determined? determination, ambition, commitment, drive, endurance, perseverance, pertinacity, resolve, spirit, fighting spirit, steadfastness, stick-to-itiveness, tenacity, will, willpower. What words refer to becoming more determined? stiffen your resolve, set your mind on, commit. What words refer to persevering in a task? persevere, give it your best, keep on, hang in there, endure, persist, plod, plug. What words refer to not being determined? apathetic, indifference, indifferent, listless, lethargic, neutral, nonchalant, uncaring.





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