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Angaben zum Begriff

Person > Healthy > Disease > Skin disease

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung disease  


  • Use this domain for words related to skin diseases such as leprosy, boils, and rashes.



  • What words refer to a sore in the skin? boil, infection, sore, open sore, scab, rash, ulcer, abscess, bunion, growth, tumor, bruise, gangrene, inflammation, pox, lesion, canker, corn, eruption, blister, bedsore, cold sore. What are the names of specific skin diseases? leprosy, chickenpox, smallpox, measles, German measles, scabies, ringworm, (itching of foot due to worms), dermatitis, eczema, fungus, shingles. What words refer to having an infection? have an infection, be infected, infect, get infected, break out, develop an infection. What words refer to an infection becoming worse? spread, turn gangrenous, fester, peel, break. What words refer to a small sore in the skin? pimple, acne, zit, whitehead, blackhead. What words refer to pus? pus, pustule. What does pus do? ooze, run. What words refer to a person with a skin disease? leper.





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