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  • Use this domain for words referring to games. Some languages do not make a distinction between "Games" and "Sports."


  • What words refer to a game? game. What types of games are there? card game, gambling game, board game. What are the names of specific board games? bingo, blackjack, bridge, cards, checkers, chess, charades, craps, dice, dominoes, gin, hearts, jacks, lotto, mahjongg, marbles, Monopoly, Parcheesi, poker, roulette, solitaire. What are the names of specific children's games? catch, hide-and-seek, hopscotch, leapfrog, mumblety-peg, tag. What are the parts of games? piece, game piece, playing piece, die, dice, card, pack of cards, board. What words refer to playing a game? play. What words refer to the people who play games? player, contestant, team members, captain, star. What words refer to play against someone? play against, be against, versus. What words refer to the people you play against? opponent, opposition, rival.





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