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  • Use this domain for verbal auxiliaries, affixes, adverbs, and particles that indicate tense (also known as temporal deixis)--the time of a situation (event, activity, or state) in relation to a reference point, which is usually the time of utterance. The following definitions are taken from Bybee, Joan, Revere Perkins, and William Pagliuca. 1994. The evolution of grammar. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.


  • present: the situation occurs simultaneously with the moment of speech. past: the situation occurred before the moment of speech. future: the situation takes place after the moment of speech; the speaker predicts that the situation in the proposition will hold. crastinal: tomorrow. hesternal: yesterday. hodiernal: today, normally with past. pre-hodiernal: before today. post-crastinal: after tomorrow. ancient past: used for narrating events in ancient or mythical time. remote: combines with other tense labels to indicate a situation occurring temporally distant from the moment of speech. immediate: a meaning label that may be combined with other tense labels to indicate a situation not simultaneous with the moment of speech, but very close to it. immediate future: what is about to occur. immediate past: occurring immediately before the moment of speech. Also called the Recent Past. Do not use this label if there is any sense of current relevance--use anterior for that. Immediate may also be combined with anterior or imperative. expected future: the situation is to occur in the near future; what is scheduled to happen. narrative time: the use of a form with no other past uses for reporting a past narrative. gnomic present: the situation described in the proposition is generic; the predicate has held, holds, and will hold for the class of entities named by the subject, such as 'Elephants have trunks'. What general words refer to the tense of an event? tense, time. What words are used to indicate the present tense? (no words or affixes in English). What words are used to indicate the past tense? -ed, (in English vowel replacement is also used to indicate past tense, e.g. run, ran). What words are used to indicate the future tense? will, going to.





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