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Social behavior > Religion > Irreligion

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung



  • Use this domain for words related to thinking and acting against God or religion.



  • What is a person called who does not believe in a religion? unbeliever, pagan, gentile, heathen, atheist, agnostic, irreligious, godless. What words refer to a religious group, which the official religion considers to be false? false religion, sect. What words refer to a belief, which the official religion considers to be false? heresy, heretical, heretic, false doctrine/teaching. What words refer to thinking against God? disbelieve, unbelief, lack of faith, doubt, skepticism, agnosticism, atheism, paganism. What words refer to speaking against God? blaspheme, scoff, profane, irreverent. What words refer to acting against God? sin, impiety, ungodly, godlessness, desecrate, sacrilege. What words describe someone who is against God? impious, irreligious, profane. What words refer to turning away from God? apostasy, backsliding, reprobate. What words refer to pretending to be religious? hypocrisy, hypocrite. What words refer to extreme beliefs that are evil? fanatic, fanaticism, bigot, bigotry. What words refer to religious practices that are done in ignorance? superstition. What words refer to allowing other people to practice their religion? tolerance, intolerance.


  • 4.9.9



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