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Language and thought > Think > Opinion > Approve of something

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung of something  


  • Use this domain for words related to approving of doing something--to think that doing something is good.



  • What words refer to approving of something? approve, meet with someone's approval, agree with, believe in, condone, endorse, be for, be in favor of, okay (v), give it your okay, pass, sanction, subscribe, sustain, think something is right, uphold, value (v), think something is right. What words refer to approving of something very much? be all for, be all in favor of, be a great believer in, be an advocate of. What words refer to someone's approval? approval, approbation, advocacy, endorsement, sanction. What words describe something that someone approves of? admirable, creditable, estimable, honorable, meritorious. What words refer to not approving of something? not approve, condemn, critical, critique, deprecate, disapprove of, disapproving, disqualify, frown on, invalidate, reject, take a dim view of, have a low opinion of, think badly of. What words refer to someone's disapproval? disapproval, disapprobation, disfavor, rejection. What words describe something that someone does not approve of? abominable, blameworthy, deplorable, despicable, detestable, dishonorable, execrable, lamentable, reprehensible, unsatisfactory. What words refer to saying that you disapprove of something? voice your disapproval, express your disapproval, register your disapproval, condemn, denounce, deplore. What words refer to looking at someone in a disapproving way? give someone a disapproving look, give someone a dirty look, frown, look askance. What words describe something said in a disapproving way? disapproving, derogatory, pejorative. What words refer to when people start to disapprove of something? fall into disrepute.





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