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  • Use this domain for words that a speaker uses to indicate that he thinks something is impossible.



  • What words indicate that something cannot be done? impossible, not possible, impracticable, there's no way, out of the question, hopeless, impractical. What words indicate that your situation makes it impossible for you to do something? impossible, not have a hope, not stand a chance, can't possibly, that's out, with the best will in the world, do the impossible. What words indicate that something cannot happen? impossible, not possible, can't, couldn't, impossibility, inconceivable, unthinkable, by any/no stretch of the imagination, there's no way. What words indicate that something is impossible to get? unattainable, out of reach. What words indicate that one thing makes something else impossible? make something impossible, rule out, preclude. What words indicate that something is impossible? absurd, impenetrable, impervious, inaccessible, inoperable, insurmountable, no chance, no earthly way, outlandish, preposterous, ridiculous, unable, unachievable, unapproachable, undoable, unfeasible, unimaginable, unworkable.





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