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  • Use this domain for words related to thanking someone--to tell someone that you feel good about something they did for you.



  • What words refer to thanking someone? thank, say thank you, express your thanks, acknowledge (a gift), appreciate, show your appreciation, express your gratitude, show gratitude, recognize, in recognition of. What words refer to the act of expressing thanks? thanks, thank you, thankfulness, thanksgiving, acknowledgement. What words describe a person who feels thankful? thankful, grateful, gratefully, appreciate, appreciative, be indebted to, owe. What words refer to the feeling of wanting to thank someone? appreciation, gratitude. What do people say when they thank someone? What do people say when someone thanks them? What words refer to not thanking someone? ingratitude. What words describe a person who does not thank someone? unthankful, unappreciative, ungrateful. What words refer to a person who does not thank someone? ingrate, ungrateful wretch. What words describe someone that no one thanks? unappreciated. What words describe something someone does that no one thanks him for? thankless (task), unacknowledged, unappreciated.





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