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Work and occupation > Work > Method > Try, attempt

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung, attempt  


  • Use this domain for words indicating that someone is trying to do something.



  • What words refer to trying to do something? try, attempt, make an attempt, experiment, test, make a stab at it, give it a go, try it out, see if it works, make an effort, aim to do something, assay, endeavor, essay, seek to do something, strain, struggle, undertake, venture, give it a whirl, have a try, try and do something, see if you can do something. What words refer to trying hard to do something? do your best, try your best, put your mind to it, make an effort, be at pains to do something, strive, to the best of your ability, do the best you can, as best you can, give something your best. What words refer to doing all you can when you are trying to do something? try for all your worth, do your utmost, do everything you can, do all you can, give your all, pull out all the stops, struggle to do something, go to great lengths to do something. What words refer to trying to do something, even though you are unlikely to succeed? have a go, have a stab at, give it a go, put up a good show. What words refer to trying hard to get something that you really want? try for, go for, try out for, shoot for, make a bid for, struggle for, go all out, go after. What words refer to trying hard to do something for someone? bend over backwards to do something, go out of your way to do something, take the trouble to do something. What words refer to doing something in order to try to do something else? try and do something, in an effort to do something, in an attempt to do something. What words refer to an attempt to do something? attempt (n), endeavor (n), try (n), campaign, drive.





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