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  • Use this domain for words referring to a mental state when the mind is working hard.



  • What words refer to paying attention? pay attention, keep your mind on, take note, attentive, devote attention to. What words refer to paying a lot of attention to something? pay close attention, concentrate, concentration, give something your undivided attention. What words refer to paying attention to something? pay attention to, devote attention to, turn your attention to, focus on, concentrate on, give something/someone your undivided attention, attend to. What words refer to paying too much attention to something? be engrossed in, be wrapped up in, be absorbed in, be immersed in, immerse yourself in, preoccupied. What words refer to stop paying attention? turn off, switch off. What words refer to not paying attention? not pay attention, daydream, be miles away, your mind wanders, inattentive, pay very little attention, mind is elsewhere, ignore, take no notice, goes in one ear and out the other. What words refer to making someone pay attention to you? get attention, attract attention, draw attention to yourself. What words refer to making someone pay attention to something? draw attention to, call attention to, bring something to someone's attention, point out, focus attention on, highlight. What words refer to receiving a lot of attention from people? get attention, attract attention, attention, be the center of attention, be the focus of attention. What words refer to trying to stop someone from paying attention to something? distract someone's attention, divert attention, distracted, distraction, diversion. What words refer to trying to prevent people from paying attention to you? not want to draw attention to yourself, keep a low profile, low key. What words refer to paying attention to more than one thing? attention is divided.





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