zum Hauptteil springen

Suche im Vokabular

Sprache der Inhalte

Angaben zum Begriff

Person > Healthy > Cause of disease

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

2.5.5Cause of disease  


  • Use this domain for words referring to the cause of disease.



  • What words refer to the cause of a disease? cause, source. What words refer to causing someone to be sick? make someone sick, spread sickness, infect, be infectious, be contagious, communicable. What things cause disease? infection, contagion, curse, spirit, psychosomatic, bacteria, virus, germ, chill, exposure, chemical imbalance, genetic defect. What words describe something that can make you sick? infectious, contagious, be bad for you, be bad for your health, unsanitary, unhygienic. What words refer to finding the cause of a disease? diagnose.


  • 2.5.5



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