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Angaben zum Begriff

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung  


  • Use this domain for words referring to sounds.



  • What words refer to something that is heard? sound, noise, voice. What words indicate that something sounds like another thing or sounds a particular way? sound like, sound of, sound (good/bad), have a (good/bad) sound, (good/bad) sounding. What words refer to something or someone making a sound? make a sound, make noise, emit, go (bang/boom), go off, sound (v), let out, articulate, articulation. What words refer to a sound that is repeated faintly? echo. What words refer to making a sound that continues for a long time? reverberate, resonate, resound, ring, roll. What words describe something that can be heard? audible, clear, loud and clear. What words describe something that cannot be heard? inaudible, unheard, subsonic. What words refer to a sound becoming loud enough so that it can be heard? become audible, reach the ear, be heard, fall on the ear.





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