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  • Use this domain for words related to feeling excited--to feel good when something good has happening or is about to happen.



  • What words refer to feeling excited? be on the edge of your seat, be on tenterhooks, be all agog. What words refer to the feeling of excitement? excitement, thrill, exhilaration, hysteria, suspense. What words describe someone who feels excited? excited, eager, thrilled, animated, exuberant. What words describe a group of people who are excited? frenzy, fever pitch, hysterical, high spirits. What words refer to feeling very excited? exhilarated, overexcited, mad, wild, crazy. What words refer to causing someone to feel excited? excite, get someone excited, thrill, give someone a thrill, animate, stir up, exhilarate. What words refer to something that causes someone to feel excited? sensation. What words describe something that causes someone to feel excited? exciting, thrilling, sensational, sensation, exhilarating, heady, dramatic, nail biting, action-packed. What words refer to doing something in order to feel excited? do something for kicks, do something for the thrill of it. What words describe an exciting experience? thrill, adventure, excitement. What words refer to the most exciting part of something? climax, high point, high spot, highlight. What words describe a person who becomes excited easily? excitable. What words refer to becoming more excited? get excited, excitement rose, go mad, go wild, go crazy, reach a climax, reach a fever pitch. What words refer to becoming less excited? calm down. What words describe a person who does not feel excited? calm, unexcited.





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