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  • Use this domain for words related to repenting.



  • What words indicate that a person recognizes he has done wrong? feel convicted, recognize your sin, realize one has done wrong, regret. What words indicate that a person has decided to change his behavior? repent, have a change of heart, reverse your behavior, reform, go straight. What words refer to a decision to change? repentance, reformation, reversal, change of heart. What words refer to an admission of wrong? admit wrong, confess, acknowledge wrong, take something back (that you said). What words refer to a request for forgiveness? apologize, apology, apologetic, ask forgiveness. What words refer to an effort to make up for doing wrong? make amends, make up for, set things right, make restitution, pay back what was taken, return stolen goods. What do people say when they ask for forgiveness? Sorry! Excuse me. I'm sorry. Forgive me.





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