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Daily life > Food > Narcotic

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung



  • Use this domain for words related to narcotics and drugs that are not used as medicine but as stimulants. Narcotics are often addicting and harmful to a person's health.



  • What general words refer to narcotics? narcotic, drug. What types of narcotics are there? marijuana, bhang, LSD, heroin, opium. What words refer to taking drugs? take drugs, be on drugs. What tools are used to take drugs? drug paraphernalia. What words refer to a person who takes drugs? addict, user, junkie. What words refer to a dosage of drugs? joint. What affect do drugs have on people? addiction, dependence, be high. What words refer to being addicted to drugs? be addicted, dependent, be hooked. What words refer to the need for drugs? addiction, habit, dependence. What words describe a drug that makes people addicted? addictive.


  • 5.2.5



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