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Angaben zum Begriff

Person > Sense, perceive > Hear > Types of sounds

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung of sounds  


  • Use this domain for words referring to types of sounds.



  • What words refer to the quality of a sound? tone. What words describe a good sound? melodious, melodic, good, beautiful. What words describe a bad sound? discordant, bad, disharmony, racket, raucous, shrill, strident, grating. What words refer to a repeated sound? knocking, rap, clatter, patter, rattle, tap, beat, cadence, drum, rhythmic. What words refer to a continuous sound? hum, monotone, steady noise. What words refer to a sudden sound? blare, blast, outburst, outcry, report. What words refer to the pitch of a sound? pitch, tone, note, frequency, inflection, intonation, modulation, overtone, tune, tonality. What words refer to a high pitched sound? high, squeak, squeal, whine, peep. What words refer to a low pitched sound? low, rumble. What words refer to the sound of one thing hitting another? bang, thud, crack, crash, bump, thump, boom, clack, clap, clash, clunk, jangle, knock, peal, pound, rap, tap, scrunch, slam, slap, smack. What words refer to the sound of something breaking? crack, pop, snap, crunch. What words refer to the sound of two things rubbing against each other? scrape, creak, squeak, screech, grinding, squeal, rasp. What words refer to the sound of metal or glass hitting something? clink, clank, clang, jingle, ring, tinkle, ding, toll, chime, chink, click. What words refer to the sound of water? splash, squelch, gurgle, plop, bubble, plunk, ripple, babble, burble, plash. What words refer to the sound of the wind or air? hiss, swish, fizz, fizzle, groan, moan, rustle, shriek, sough, wail, wheeze, whine, whisper, whistle, whiz, whoosh. What words refer to the sound of fire? crackle, sizzle, roar. What sounds do people make with their mouths other than speaking or singing? cry, laugh, scream, shriek, whistle, click, pop, wheeze, hiss, cluck, cough, hawk, gasp, gulp, snore, snort, sniff, sob, tsk-tsk, gurgle, gargle, yodel, moan, groan, scream, ululate, yikes, yahoo. What sounds do babies make? bawl, gurgle, coo, cry, squall. What words refer to the sound of thunder? boom, crack, rumble, thunder (v). What words refer to the sound of a gun or bomb? bang, boom, roar, rumble. What words refer to the sound of a machine? buzz, hum, whirr, whine, bleep, roar, tick. What words refer to the sound of a car horn? honk, toot, blare, beep. What words refer to the sound of a bell? ring, toll, chime, buzz, peal, tinkle.





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