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Suche im Vokabular

Sprache der Inhalte

Angaben zum Begriff

States > Quantity

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung



  • Use this domain for general words referring to the amount or quantity of something.



  • What words refer to the amount of something? amount, quantity, level, volume, percentage, proportion, sum, how much, ($100) worth. What words refer to the amount of something that can be counted? number, how many, numbers, ratio. What words refer to the amount of food that someone is given? portion, helping, serving, intake, ration, measure. What words refer to a measured amount of something? quota, load. What words refer to the amount of something, such as fuel, that is available to be used? pool, stock, reserves. What words refer to the amount of medicine that a sick person needs? dose, dosage. What words refer to the amount of a problem such as crime or damage? extent, incidence, level, rate.


  • 8.1



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