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Angaben zum Begriff

Person > Healthy > Disease > Stomach illness

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung illness  


  • Use this domain for words related to stomach illness.



  • What words refer to being sick in your stomach? have an upset stomach, have a stomach-ache, tummy-ache, be sick to your stomach. What types of stomach illness are there? vomiting, morning sickness, indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, constipated, ulcer, ulcerate, ulcerated, intestinal obstruction, worms. What words refer to vomiting? be sick, throw up, vomit, puke, barf, bring up, regurgitate, spew. What words refer to vomiting without bringing anything up? retch, heave, gag. What are the symptoms of stomach illness? gas, belching, cramps. What words describe how you feel when your stomach is sick? feel sick, queasy, nausea, be going to be sick, nauseated, nauseous. What words refer to something making your stomach feel sick? nauseate, give you an upset stomach, make you sick to your stomach.





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