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Language and thought > Think > Mind > Think about

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung about  


  • Use this domain for words related to thinking about something for some time.



  • What words refer to thinking about something for a period of time? think about, brood, cogitate, consider, give consideration to, contemplate, meditate, muse, mull over, occupy your mind, ponder, reconsider, reflect, reflection, ruminate, speculate, study, weigh, wonder, go around in your mind, do some thinking, keep your mind on, have something on your mind, deduce, deduction, induction, inductive, logic, apply yourself, pay attention, bethink, conclude, observe, process, reason, theorize. What words refer to thinking carefully? attend, attention, beware, careful, caution, cautious, concentrate, concentration, concern, concerned, consider, consideration, foresight, guard, intentional, interest, occupy, precaution, provident, prudent, purposeful, refuse, regard, tend, think thoroughly, give thought, thoughtful, think hard. What words refer to not thinking carefully? careless, casual, dismiss, disregard, incautious, neglect, overlook, shrug, wing it. What words refer to thinking about what is good for someone? be concerned about, care about. What words refer to thinking before making a decision? think about, look at, think over, consider, think something out, think twice, think of, take into consideration, take into account. What words refer to a series of thoughts? line of thought, line of thinking, train of thought, reasoning. What words refer to thinking about something again? think again, reconsider, change your mind, on second thought, on reflection. What words refer to the thoughts a person is thinking at a particular time? thinking. What words refer to thinking about many things? mind is full. What words refer to the way a person thinks about something? attitude, logic, outlook, perspective, thoughtful, view. What words describe the way a person thinks? clear, cogent, concise, observant. What words refer to trying not to think about something? ignore, try to forget, put out of your mind, empty your mind. What words refer to stopping thinking about something? drop (a line of thought), distract, distraction, take your mind off. What words refer to failing to think about what you are doing? unthinking, unintentional, thoughtless, mindless. What words refer to a person who thinks a lot? thinker, brain, intellectual, philosopher.





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