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  • Use this domain for words related to feeling worried--to feel bad because you think something bad might happen.



  • What words refer to feeling worried? worry (v), feel worried, be worried, feel anxious, be anxious, be afraid, feel afraid, feel scared, feel unsure, agonize over, wonder what is going to happen, uneasy, fret, brood, lose sleep, not like the look of, not like the sound of. What words refer to the feeling of worry? worry, anxiety, concern, stress, strain, anguish, uncertainty, lack of confidence, apprehension, dismay. What words describe someone who feels worried? worried, anxious, anxiously, apprehensive, bothered, concerned, dismayed, disturbed, strained, troubled, uneasy, unsettled. What words refer to being a little worried? feel a little worried, slightly worried, a bit anxious, not so sure. What words refer to being very worried? anxiety attack, really worried, really scared, really wondering, despair, despairing, desperate, desperation, be worried sick, be at your wits' end, frantic, frantically. What words refer to being worried all the time? have a lot on your mind, be under a strain, preoccupied, stressed out. What words refer to being worried when there is nothing to worry about? paranoid, paranoia. What words refer to causing someone to feel worried? worry someone, alarm (v), bother, concern (v), cause someone concern, disturb, trouble (v), bother, prey on your mind, cause concern, be a cause for concern, weigh on your mind, disquiet. What words refer to something that causes someone to feel worried? worry (n), alarm (n), burden, concern (n), trouble (n), care, stresses and strains, hang-up, complex, weight. What words describe something that causes someone to feel worried? worrying, worrisome, alarming, anxious, bothersome, disturbing, nerve-racking, stressful, tense, niggling, alarmist. What words refer to someone who worries a lot? be a worrier, worrywart, neurotic, hypochondriac. What words refer to not being worried? not worried, unworried, not concerned, unconcerned, unperturbed, not lose sleep over, don't care, without a care in the world, carefree, philosophical. What words refer to not being worried about something that you were worried about before? relief, relieved, be a weight off your mind, relax. What words refer to helping someone stop worrying? reassure, reassuring, reassurance, put your mind at rest, put someone at their ease, put someone out of their misery. What do people say when they don't want someone to worry? Don't worry. There's nothing to worry about. Rest assured. Never mind. What do people say when they don't need to worry anymore? Thank God! Thank goodness! What a relief!. What do people do when they are worried? wring your hands, bite your lip.





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