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  • Use this domain for words related to tasting something.



  • What words refer to tasting something? taste, relish, savor. What words refer to deliberately trying to taste something? taste, have a taste, try, sample, lick, sip. What words refer to the ability to taste? sense of taste, palate, taste buds. What words describe something that has to do with tasting? gustatory. What words refer to the taste of something? taste, flavor, tang, aftertaste, hint, savor. What words indicate that something tastes like another thing or tastes a particular way? taste like, taste of, taste (good/bad), have a (good/bad) taste, (good/bad) tasting, flavored. What words describe something that tastes good? delicious, tasty, good, nice, palatable, flavorful, yummy, juicy, succulent, delectable, luscious, rich, scrumptious, fresh, ambrosial, toothsome. What words describe something that looks like it tastes good? appetizing, tempting, mouth-watering, make your mouth water. What words describe something that tastes bad? disgusting, revolting, horrible, bad, off, awful, distasteful, terrible, unpalatable, unsavory, yucky. What words describe something that has a strong or spicy taste? strong, hot, spicy, piquant, fiery, pungent, peppery. What words describe something that does not have a strong taste? mild, bland, insipid, weak. What words describe something that has no taste? tasteless, have no taste, not taste of anything, flavorless. What words describe something that has a sweet taste? sweet, sugary, sickly sweet, sweeten. What words describe something that is not sweet? unsweetened, savory, dry. What words describe something that has a sour taste? sour, sharp, tart, tangy. What words describe something that has a bitter taste? bitter, acrid, astringent, bitter-tasting, caustic. What words describe something that has a salty taste? salty.


  • 2.3.3



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