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Angaben zum Begriff

Universe, creation > Plant > Growth of plants

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

1.5.6Growth of plants  


  • Use this domain for words related to the growth of plants.



  • What words refer to the growth of plants? grow, growth, branch out, put down roots, spread, develop, extend, flourish, spring, swell, thrive, photosynthesis. What words refer to a seed beginning to grow? germinate, sprout, spring up, seedling. What words refer to a plant producing leaves? bud, leaf out, produce leaves. What words refer to a plant bearing seeds or fruit? flower, blossom, bear fruit, produce fruit, fruitful, head, drop seeds, pollinate, yield. What words refer to seeds and fruit being ripe? green, unripe, immature, mature, mellow, ripen, ripe. What words describe how plants grow? spread, run (of vines), entwine, cling, trail. What words refer to a plant dying? wither, droop, fade, decay, rot, dry, die. Where are dead plants put? compost pile.


  • 1.5.6



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