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Angaben zum Begriff

Daily life > Sleep > Wake up

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

5.7.3Wake up  


  • Use this domain for words related to waking up from sleep.



  • What words refer to waking up? wake up, come to, awaken, come out of a deep sleep, be startled out of sleep. What words refer to someone waking someone else up? wake (someone) up, get (someone) up, rouse. What do people do to wake someone up? call, shake, dump water on him. What do people say to wake someone up? Time to get up. Rise and shine. Hey, sleepyhead. What means do people use to wake themselves up? alarm clock, wake up call, rooster. What do people do after they wake up? get up, get out of bed. What words describe not being asleep? be awake. What words are used of not being able to sleep? toss and turn, couldn't sleep, lay awake, insomnia, insomniac, sleep disorder. What words are used of not wanting to sleep? stay awake, be alert, stay up.


  • 5.7.3



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