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Suche im Vokabular

Sprache der Inhalte

Angaben zum Begriff

Person > Healthy > Symptom of disease

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

2.5.6Symptom of disease  


  • Use this domain for words for symptoms of disease--something that happens to you when you get sick, something that shows that you are sick.



  • What words refer to a symptom? symptom, sign, indication, evidence, warning, pathology. What types of symptoms are there? shock, delirious, numb. What words refer to feeling weak? weak, weakened, feel tired, no energy, debilitate, enervate. What words refer to the skin changing color due to illness? pale, flushed, red, dark (circles under the eyes), spot, rash. What words refer to itching when the skin is irritated? itch, have an itch, scratch, be irritated. What words refer to coughing? cough, sneeze, clear throat, hack. What words refer to muscles cramping from pain? cramp, be bent over (with pain), doubled up (with pain), spasm. What words refer to the body shaking due to illness? convulsion, chills, fit. What words refer to feeling dizzy or faint? dizzy, dizziness, feel faint.


  • 2.5.6



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