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States > Quality > Hot

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung



  • Use this domain for words describing something that is hot.




  • What words describe something that is hot? hot, heat, red hot, boiling, burning hot, molten, ardent, baking, blazing, brisk, broiling, burning, calorific, fervent, fervid, fevered, fiery, glowing, heat, hot, igneous, incandescent, reeking, scorching, sizzling, smoking, torrid, white-hot. What words describe food that is hot? hot, piping hot, scalding. What words describe something that is warm? be warm, lukewarm, tepid. What words describe a time or place that is hot? hot, boiling, be a scorcher, sultry, sunny, sweltering, sweltry, tropical, heat wave. What words describe a time or place that is warm? warm, the warmth, balmy, mild, temperate. What words describe a time or place that is so hot that you are uncomfortable? stifling, muggy, humid, oppressive. What words refer to feeling hot? hot, warm, boiling. What words refer to feeling hot because you are sick? have a temperature, feverish. What words refer to how hot something is? temperature, heat, degree, Celsius, Centigrade, Fahrenheit, level of heat, warmth. What things do people use to measure how hot something is? thermometer. What words refer to something becoming hot? warm up, get hot, thaw, melt, temperature is rising. What words refer to making something hot? heat something, warm something, thaw something, melt something, take the chill off, heat up, reheat, warm up. What happens to things and people when they get hot? boil, melt, burn, warp, sweat. What words describe clothes that make you feel warm? warm, thermal. What things do people use to stay warm when it is cold? fire, heater, furnace, central heating, radiator, hot-water bottle, electric blanket. What words describe something that is neither hot nor cold? room temperature, ambient temperature.


  • 8.3.4



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