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Bevorzugte Bezeichnung lots  


  • Use this domain for words referring to casting lots--to make a decision by chance.



  • What is the general term for making a decision by chance? cast lots [in English and many languages there isn't a generic term; 'cast lots' is archaic]. What methods are used for making a decision by chance? roll a die, flip a coin, draw straws, pick names out of a hat, rock-paper-scissors, pick a card (out of a deck), count off, decide who goes first. What kind of decisions are made by these methods? deciding who goes first in a game, deciding who dies (e.g. who gets the life preserver), deciding who is guilty. What do people say when a decision has been made? X team has won the toss. OK, John goes first. I win. The Lord's will be done. It is the will of the gods. The gods have spoken. What is the validating principle behind these methods? fate, chance, God's will, social consensus.





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