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Angaben zum Begriff

Person > Sense, perceive > See > Appearance > Beautiful

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung  


  • Use this domain for words describing someone or something that is beautiful--pleasing in appearance,.



  • What words describe a woman who is beautiful? beautiful, good-looking, pretty, attractive, striking, handsome, lovely, gorgeous, stunning, ravishing, of great beauty, elegant. What words describe a man who is beautiful? good-looking, handsome, attractive, cute, hunky, rugged, striking, gorgeous, be a fine figure of a man, dashing. What words describe a child who is beautiful? beautiful, lovely, cute. What words describe something that is beautiful? beautiful, attractive, pretty, lovely, gorgeous, splendid, magnificent, stunning, superb, exquisite, elegant, artistic. What words describe a place that is beautiful? beautiful, lovely, pretty, scenic, picturesque, magnificent, beauty spot, spectacular. What words indicate that something is done in a beautiful way? beautifully, prettily, attractively, exquisitely. What words refer to the quality of being beautiful? beauty, looks, good looks. What words refer to making something beautiful? beautify, spruce up. What words describe something or someone that is neither beautiful nor ugly? plain, average, ordinary.





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