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Language and thought > Communication > Say > Talk about a subject

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung about a subject  


  • Use this domain for words related to talking about a subject.



  • What words refer to talking about a subject? talk about, dwell on, discuss, address, treat, cover. What words refer to the thing being talked about? subject, topic, theme, issue, question, matter, business, thing. What words refer to a part of a subject? point, aspect. What words refer to starting to talk about something? bring up, raise, broach, introduce, launch into. What words refer to starting to talk about a different subject? change topics, switch topics, turn to, get onto. What words refer to talking about the subject you are supposed to be talking about? get to the point, stick to the point, to the point. What words refer to starting to talk about something else instead of what you are supposed to be talking about? get off the subject, digress, get sidetracked, stray from, ramble, lose the thread, where was I?.





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