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  • Use this domain for words referring to giving someone advice or counsel, for instance recommending a wise course of action.



  • What words refer to giving someone advice? advise, say someone should do something, give advice, recommend, urge, offer advice, advocate, commend, counsel, present, promote, propose, recommend a course of action, guide, instruct, submit, make a motion, exhort. What words do people use when giving advice? if I were you, you should do something, you ought to, you'd be better off, take my advice, take it from me, you'd be well advised to do something, on no account, you'd better, I would. What words refer to asking for advice? ask someone's advice, seek advice, consult, ask for advice, request advice, turn to for advice. What words refer to doing what someone advises? take someone's advice, follow someone's advice, listen to advice, act on someone's advice, accept advice, adopt. What words refer to the advice that a person gives? advice, tip, recommendation, guidance, counseling, counsel, instructions, idea, proposal, charge. What words refer to someone who gives advice? advisor, counselor, consultant, guru, mentor, coach. What words refer to a group of people who give advice? council, board, committee, advisory (board). What words refer to needing advice? need advice, don't know what to do. What words refer to not knowing what to advise? don't know what to tell you. What words refer to not accepting advice? refuse advice, ignore advice. What words refer to giving advice when the person doesn't want it? meddle, kibitz, kibitzer. What words describe good or bad advice? good, wise, bad, bum steer, advisable, helpful, constructive, positive.





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