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Suche im Vokabular

Sprache der Inhalte

Angaben zum Begriff

Physical actions > Move > Manner of movement > Walk with difficulty

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung with difficulty  


  • Use this domain for words referring to walking with some difficulty such as stumbling--to miss your step because of hitting an object such as a stone, hole, or mud; staggering--to walk unsteadily because of weakness, illness, or drunkenness; or limping--to walk unevenly or with difficulty because of injury to a foot.



  • What words refer to stumbling? stumble, trip, trip and fall, slip. What words refer to causing someone to stumble? trip someone. What words refer to staggering? stagger, weave back and forth, reel, lurch. What words refer to limping? limp, hobble, shamble, shuffle, walk haltingly, walk with a cane, use crutches, get around. What words describe someone who cannot walk well? lame, disabled. What things do people use to help them walk? walker, cane, crutch, walking stick, wheelchair.





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