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  • Use this domain for words related to not liking someone or something.



  • What words refer to disliking something? don't like, dislike (v), take a disliking to, take an instant dislike to, have a healthy dislike for, not be fond of, not keen on, not be crazy about, not think much of, not be someone's cup of tea, not be to your taste, not be to your liking, not be your thing, not be your type, have no time for, not take kindly to, don't care for, look down on, turn up your nose at, be unhappy with, hold in disfavor, feel unfavorable toward, be displeased with. What words refer to the feeling of dislike? dislike (n), disliking, antipathy, aversion, displeasure, distaste, prejudice. What words describe someone who dislikes something? displeased, offended, prejudiced. What words refer to causing someone to dislike something? displease, offend, repel, trouble, upset, put someone off, turn someone against. What words refer to something that causes someone to dislike something? offense. What words describe something that people dislike? contemptible, deplorable, despicable, displeasing, distasteful, obnoxious, odious, offensive, unpleasant, not very nice, leave a bad taste in the mouth, morbid. What words describe someone that people dislike? disliked, bastard, disagreeable, horrible, mean, nasty, nasty piece of work, not very nice, objectionable, obnoxious, odious, off-putting, unpleasant. What words describe a taste or smell that people dislike? unpleasant, not very nice, nasty, unappetizing, unpalatable. What words describe a sound that people dislike? harsh, grating, rasping. What words refer to stopping liking something? go off. What do people do to show they dislike something? sneer, boo.





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